Songs from the Garret (2023)
Recorded March 8, 15, 22, 2022; April 1,12, 2022; May 3, 2022
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Adam Berenson: Sequential Prophet XL
Engineer: Steve Lushbaugh
Cover concept and design: Adam Berenson
Produced by Adam Berenson & Steve Lushbaugh
1. Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly (Chick Corea)
2. Nacada (Patrick Metheny)
3. Sweet Rain (Michael Gibbs)
4. Falling Grace (Steve Swallow)
5. A Family Joy (Mike Gibbs)
6. All The Things You Are (Jerome Kern)
7. August (Lyle Mays)
8. No Mystery (No Mystery)
9. Newborn (Lyle Mays)
10. Arise, Her Eyes (Stephen Swallow)
11. Petits Machins (Miles Davis)
12. Chippie (Ornette Coleman)
13. Feelings and Things (Michael Gibbs)
14. My Ship (Kurt Weill)
15. Sing Me Softly of the Blues (Carla Bley)
16. Sweet Henry (Jack Gregg and Stephen Swallow)
17. Claude and Betty (Stephen Swallow)